ROMANCE: Billionaire Romance: Tantalizing Temptation (New Adult, Short Stories, Billionaire Romance, Contemporary BBW Romance) Page 7
“It’s great seeing you again, too.” Adam rocked gently on his heels and looked around for Marcos, who had followed Rose into the house. The air was cooling off from the day and a sliver of moonlight appeared in the sky. Adam cleared his throat and sat down on the chair closest to Camille. “I can’t believe that we had such a coincidental run-in with Rose today.” He shook his head and then smiled.
Camille grinned brightly in response. “I always say that the universe works in mysterious ways.” Camille had an elegant yet causal air to her, and Adam found it enticing. “Rose is one of my best friends in the truest sense of the word.” She looked up just as Rose came back onto the porch. Marcos followed.
“Okay, everyone. I’ve just pulled out from the oven the most incredible manicotti you will find in Colombia.” She laughed as she said it, realizing that finding great Italian food in Colombia was probably rather rare. Adam and Camille stood up and followed Rose and Marcos inside. When everyone was inside, Rose guided them to the dining room table, which was set with plates and glasses for everyone. They sat down and Rose poured out four glasses of wine.
Camille and Adam sat next to each other on one side of the table and Rose and Marcos sat next to each other on the other side. Rose dished out servings for everyone and smiled.
“Thank you for bringing all of us together, Rose.” Camille smiled and looked at Adam. She had full lips and long, thick lashes that Adam couldn’t stop staring at. Marcos eyed up the food and rubbed his hands together in anticipation of the meal. Rose finally sat down and then held up her glass.
“Here’s to meeting new people, and to the long life of Piper.” She smiled and Piper came running out from the kitchen. Then she raised her glass, and everyone else followed. They made their toast and started to eat. Adam enjoyed sitting next to Camille. He watched her as she ate and smiled when their eyes locked. He wondered for a second if he would have the heart to fly back to California. Then he reminded himself that they had just met only hours ago, and that he shouldn’t get too ahead of himself.
“So, Camille. Tell us all about the music company that you work for. It sounds very interesting.” Adam was curious about her work. A piece of him was already wondering if he might be able to convince her to relocate. Perhaps she had the kind of job where she could work remotely.
“Well, it’s a wonderful company called Soul International, and I’m responsible for all of the marketing, sales, and distribution of new artists. Most of them are from other countries, so we really help to establish them in other parts of the world.” Camille smiled when she talked about her job, and Adam found it incredibly attractive.
“Sounds great. Do you have the opportunity to telecommute for the position?” Adam couldn’t help himself. He knew it might come off as sounding a bit intrusive, but he wanted to know if she would even consider moving to California. As soon as he asked, he realized that it might not matter so much if she had no interest in moving. Maybe he could plan his permanent move to Colombia sooner, instead.
“I’m not sure about that. I’m very happy going into the office and seeing everyone face-to-face. And for now, I really have no intention of moving.” She tilted her head and batted her lashes. Adam took a sip of his wine and fantasized for a moment about him and Camille in the lake. He wanted to throw his arms around her waist and kiss her on the face. She had a presence about her that was both strong and natural.
Most of the women he had dated over the last few years had been more materialistic and superficial. He loved the fact that Camille seemed to have a true sense of personality in addition to her beautiful attributes. Before he could ask he anymore questions, Marcos piped up. “Rose. What about you? You told Adam and me that you’re an artist.” Marcos smiled and her face lit up.
“I am. I moved here from Italy as part of a residency program, and even though I had the option of returning to Venice, I decided to stay here in Colombia. There is something about the landscape here, and the people, that make it very magnetizing for me. As much as I miss Italy, I think that for now I will call Colombia my home.” She nodded her head and then looked coyly at Marcos. He sipped on his wine and then Rose poured him another glass.
The energy in the room was positive and light. Rose was thankful to have such a spontaneous gathering in her home, and she was also becoming increasingly interested in Marcos. She started to clear the dishes away and paused when she got to the kitchen. The air was so light and cool outside that she felt compelled to ask if everyone wanted to go for a walk. When the agreement was unanimous, they all stood up and followed Rose out back.
Adam instinctively reached for Camille’s hand, and when she placed hers in his, it felt like a wave of electricity went off inside of him. He looked at her and could make out the fine line of her eyebrows, the delicate arch in her neck. She smelled like lavender and vanilla, and he was tempted to just reach over and kiss her, but he restrained himself. Rose guided them to the veranda in her yard that was lit up with a string of paper lanterns. She offered everyone seats and told them that that this structure was over three hundred years old. Adam and Marcos were both impressed.
“Rose is a sculptor. She didn’t mention that when we were inside.” Camille spoke up for her friend, and then Rose took Marcos’s hand. She squeezed it and he smiled, surprised that she had made the first move in expressing her affection. The moon appeared over the valley and Rose nodded her head. “In fact, this incredible piece right here was done by Rose.” Camille motioned toward a sculpture of a rearing stallion. Adam and Marcos were both impressed.
“Do you sell a lot of your work?” Adam raised his brows and Rose smiled shyly.
“Sometimes. It depends on what kind of year it is. Sometimes I produce a lot, and then it gets sold in the local galleries, and sometimes I only create maybe one or two pieces in three months. I don’t do it for the money, which I’m sure you understand.” She looked to the side and a sense of sadness fell over her face. “I was engaged a few years ago to a man that I loved, and he was killed in a surfing accident. It’s been hard to bounce back from that, but I’m doing a lot better.”
Marcos felt immediately saddened. He couldn’t imagine the pain that Rose must have felt due to her fiancé dying. He wasn’t sure what to say, so he simply squeezed her hand. She looked at him kindly and smiled. “I’m sorry.” He bowed his head and then the air fell silent.
“Well, we don’t need to get off on a sad note.” Rose stood up and smacked her hands on the tops of her thighs. “Let’s go inside for ice cream.” With that, she led everyone inside and pulled out a canister of chocolate and vanilla ice cream from the freezer. She scooped out portions for everyone, passed them out, and then led everyone to the dining room table. In an effort to lighten the mood, Camille spoke up.
“So, Adam. You and Marcos will be coming to the party tomorrow, right?” She looked sincerely curious waiting for their responses.
“Of course.” Adam devoured a spoonful of ice cream and then licked the spoon as he eyed Camille. She smiled at him with a seductive glimmer in her eyes.
“Great.” She ate a spoonful of ice cream as well and then stood up to use the bathroom. Adam got up a few minutes later and followed her. When she came out of the bathroom, he greeted her in the hall.
“You know, I just wanted to tell you that this has been a great night so far. Your friend Rose is amazing, and I’m just really glad to be here. I think you look beautiful, and I’m really looking forward to your party tomorrow night.” Adam felt a gush of honesty spill forth, and he wondered what had inspired him. With most women, he gave them little compliments here and there, but with Camille, he felt as if his entire essence was in awe of her being, and he wanted to express his true feelings as they arose.
“Thanks, Adam. I like to think that I know a good man when I see one.” She came closer and then stood in front of him, tilting her head slightly to the side and smiling at him. He smiled back, waiting to see what happened next. The timing seemed right, so he le
aned toward her, put his hand in hers, and kissed her gently on the cheek. She blushed and held his hand tighter.
“You know, when I saw you on the beach, I knew you were special.” Adam looked at her and nodded his head with enthusiasm. “I just had a feeling about you. And now, to find out just how cool you really are…” He smiled and she laughed. “You know, I have to be honest. I haven’t met many women in my day who knew much about the music industry, so I’m pretty impressed.” He smiled. Then, Camille took his arm and led them out of the hallway.
“When do you have to go back to California?” Camille’s smile faded slightly. She wasn’t one to jump too far ahead of herself, but she was beginning to wonder if she would end up with a broken heart by allowing Adam into her life when she knew that he wouldn’t be staying in Columbia too much longer. It reminded her of the beach relationships that she used to wind up in as a college student.
She’d meet a great guy who was in Florida for summer vacation. They would seem to share a whirlwind romance, and then as soon as it had peaked, he would be on a plane back to some other part of the country. She didn’t want to have to go through the pain of bearing herself to another man, only to discover that he would be out of her life as quickly as he’d entered.
“Well, I have a flexible life, Camille.” Adam didn’t usually flaunt his billionaire status in front of everyone, especially people that he’d just met, but in this case he felt the urge to let her know that he had options. Maybe he’d stay a little longer this time, extend his flight, or even do some of his work in Colombia instead of California. Camille looked at him with curiosity.
“Well, a flexible life is always good.” She laughed and Adam looked at her breasts, which he had been trying not to do all night. They looked so perfect and round and he felt a wave of desire rise up inside him, but he tamed it with diversion.
“We should go see what Rose and Marcos are doing.” Adam smiled and they walked out into the living room. After everyone had talked for a few more minutes, Rose made the suggestion that they make plans to do dinner again one night before Adam and Marcos flew back to California. It sounded like the perfect idea, and Adam was glad that Marcos and Rose had hit it off so well. Adam and Camille walked out front first. The air was cool and the moon was still bright.
“See you tomorrow.” Adam reached for Camille’s hand and pulled her close. She smiled, and then Adam leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. It was intoxicating to him because she smelled so good and her breasts touched his chest when he pulled her close. He held her tight and Camille relaxed just long enough to share in a passionate kiss before Rose and Marcos walked outside.
“Thank you for coming.” Rose waved to Adam, then looked at Marcos. She saw something in him that made her feel excited again, made her think that love was a possibility for her once more. She was still wary of letting herself fall too quickly for anyone, but Marcos had such a boyish charm to him that it was difficult not to let him into her realm of existence.
“I look forward to seeing you again.” Marcos took her hand and kissed it gently. He knew that he would have to be delicate with Rose and her feelings and he didn’t want to intrude too much in her space.
“Thank you, Marcos. I’m sorry to miss Camille’s party tomorrow, but we’ll see each other again soon.” Rose had told Marcos earlier that she had a meeting with an art curator the same time as Camille’s get together. She assured him that Camille always threw the best bashes, and to be prepared for a night to remember.
As Adam and Marcos headed out to the car, they listened to the sounds of the insects and the animals who had become increasingly vocal as they night progressed. They both climbed into the car and Adam steered onto the road. Neither of them said much until they were away from the house. Then Adam looked over at Marcos, who sat grinning, looking out the passenger side window. “How’d we get so lucky?” Adam had a quizzical expression on his face and he wondered for a second if this might be the final chapter in his romantic life.
When they got back to the bungalow, they climbed out, tipsy and in good spirits. They both went inside and got into their beds. Adam lay awake for a while, hoping that Camille shared the same level of interest as he did. It appeared and felt that she did, so he tried to put his mind at ease. He thought ahead to her party and hoped that it would be another opportunity for the two of them to get to know each other better. After listening to the birds caw outside for a few more seconds, he finally drifted off to sleep.
When the sun came up, both Adam and Marcos decide to go to the beach. They got their swim shorts on and threw a few towels over their shoulders, then walked outside and down toward the lake. As they got closer to the sand, Adam thought he saw Camille further down, on a red striped towel. He thought she had told him that she was working during the day, so he figured it must be a mistake. He squinted to get a better look. “Is that Camille?” He wanted Marcos to confirm his sighting.
“Well, the tits sure look like hers.” He squinted and then laughed. “I can’t really tell. But there’s one way to find out.” They continued to walk, and as they got closer, Adam became certain that it was Camille. She wore a yellow bikini with green tassels on the bottom. His heart pounded as he got closer, because she was sitting on a towel, and a man with dark brown hair and a muscular physique was sitting next to her. He tried to pretend that he didn’t see her, but as soon as he got close, she turned around and stood up.
“Hey, Adam. Isn’t it perfect weather today?” She reached for his hand and smiled. “Adam, this is my brother, Peter. He’s in visiting from New York for the week. He’ll be at the party tonight.” Camille looked excited and happy. Adam felt relieved and ashamed at the same time. He wanted to kick himself for thinking that Camille would be on the beach with another guy. At the same time, he realized that she had every right to be on the beach with whomever she chose. After all, they had only just met, and they’d never discussed being exclusive.
“Hi, Peter. Nice meeting you.” Adam reached out and gave Peter a firm handshake. He could see a slight resemblance between the siblings, although Peter was on the slighter side. Camille looked as voluptuous as ever, her thick and shapely tanned legs turning Adam on as he stood in admiration of her body. He wanted to run his hands all over her, and he decided that he might as well give up his attempts to quell the lustful feelings he had. With such a body, it was impossible for his mind to stop creating sexual scenarios that involved him and her.
Marcos had thrown down his towel already and headed into the water. Adam came in shortly after, laughing and shaking his head. “I’m already in too deep with this one.” He shook his head and laughed. Marcos shook his head, as well.
“Let me guess. Cousin?”
“Brother,” Adam corrected, sighing. Marcos smirked at him. “I need to take a step back, that’s all. I just met the chick. But Marcos, I haven’t felt like this in years. I’m not lying. I am into her.” Adam put his hands on his hips and scanned the horizon. Boats drifted off in the distance, and a large volcano was visible beyond the valley. Adam dove under the water and then came up for air a few seconds later. “It looked like you and Rose had something going on.” He jabbed Marcos in the ribs and then laughed. Marcos smiled.
“She’s a catch, that’s for sure. But I think she’s still in love with her fiancé who was killed. What a crazy story. I can’t even imagine…” Marcos’s voice trailed off and he dove under the water. For him, it was okay just to be away from California for a while. He was definitely interested in Rose, but not in the same way that Adam was interested in Camille. He wanted to learn more about her, but he wasn’t ready to make any major life changes.
They spent half the day swimming before they finally got out to head home. Adam picked up some sandwiches on the way, and they both ate outside under the gazebo. Once they had eaten and rested, they both showered and got ready for Camille’s party. Adam wore his favorite navy shorts with a tan button shirt. He wanted to look causal, yet sophisticated. Being
a billionaire meant that he could afford to wear whatever he wanted, yet he chose to downplay his wealth whenever possible.
Marcos wore a pair of khakis and a navy shirt. He wondered what the night would hold, especially since Rose would be absent. Regardless, he was glad to be in Colombia, where the landscape enchanted him, and where his worries were miles away. He and Adam got inside the car and headed off, both of them excited for the night that awaited them.
When they got to 45 Fern View Drive, Adam saw the Doberman that Camille had mentioned the day before. Adam parked and he and Marcos got out, gingerly making their way to the door. The dog gave them a good stare, but he was chained up, and as soon as they got to the large, wrought iron gate, Camille appeared from inside. She was wearing a fitted black top and a long, fitted green skirt. Adam noticed her freshly painted fingernails and her six inch stiletto heels. He approached her and reached for her hand as soon as they made eye contact.
“You made it.” Camille squeezed his hand and smiled. “I see that Benson didn’t give you any problems.” She tilted her head and Adam looked back toward the gate where the dog sat.
“He didn’t seem too concerned about us.” Adam laughed and then he and Marcos followed Camille into the house. When they entered, Adam was awe struck. Her décor was incredibly tasteful, with various pieces of art positioned throughout the house and a series of framed black and white photos on the wall. He liked the way that the home seemed to suit her personality. It was elegant, unique, and purposeful. “Your place is amazing.” Adam smiled and followed her to the back porch, where a large group of people were gathered.
“Hi, everyone. These are my new friends, Adam and Marcos.” Camille gave them an introduction, which Adam found very thoughtful. He looked around and noticed that there were people of various ages, races, and gender. He felt immediately at home, and Camille reached for a beer from inside the cooler. “I hope you like pale ale.” She smiled and popped the top off. Adam grinned.