ROMANCE: Billionaire Romance: Tantalizing Temptation (New Adult, Short Stories, Billionaire Romance, Contemporary BBW Romance) Page 6
She placed a hand over his and tightened her grip on him before letting out a loud moan as the orgasm overwhelmed her. Only Ryan knew how to make her have multiple orgasms and she could feel another one coming on. This time Ryan held on to her hair and pumped even harder into her. He slapped her across her behind and let her have her own piece of heaven as she climaxed a second time.
Her loud moan echoed through the kitchen as her body shuddered.
A soft breeze caressed her hot face. Ryan continued to pump inside her, but suddenly he stilled. “Shit,” he muttered.
A different voice spoke. “Brenda, you never have such orgasms with me.”
She looked up to see Paul standing in the doorway. He held a briefcase in one hand and a newspaper in the other and for a moment Brenda thought she was dreaming. She felt Ryan quickly pull out of her and both got to their feet and stared at Paul.
“So are you from His Majesty’s Service?” Paul asked, stepping forward to shake Ryan’s hand. That was one of the sites Paul had sent to Brenda.
“Um, no,” Ryan said.
“Paul, I can explain,” Brenda said. “I…this is Ryan, my ex-boyfriend. You told me to find some company. I will be paying him. We agreed on five thousand for two days.”
Paul smiled and sized Ryan up. “Let’s make it ten, and you show me exactly what you do to please Brenda. Then you can get the hell out of our lives.”
BONUS - Submitting to His Demands
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Billionaire Romance
When Adam got up from his hammock, it was already dusk. He had dozed off for the better half of the afternoon, and was feeling hungry. The rainforest birds were still making a cacophony of noises overhead, and he smiled, thankful to be in such a beautiful part of the world for his vacation. Adam was the CEO for a new architecture firm named Vista, and he was generating so many leads and sales over the year that he had decided to take a break and get out of the country for awhile.
“Hey, Marcos, why don’t we go for a swim in a few minutes?” Adam had invited one of his friends to come on the trip. Marcos was a wealthy businessman himself, and had a flexible schedule that allowed him to jet-set on a whim, much like Adam. The two were single, handsome, and rich, so it was easy to see why they got along so well, and why women flocked to them.
“Sounds great. Let me read the last chapter of this book and then go get changed.” Marcos rolled over lazily from his wicker lounge chair and grinned at Adam. The sun was shining brightly and both Adam and Marcos were looking forward to another lazy afternoon composed of swimming, lounging, and drinking. Neither of them gave much thought to what they would do for the evening, and it was refreshing to have such a free and flexible schedule.
“You know, I’m amazed at all the women out here. I don’t think I ever want to leave Colombia.” Adam laughed and looked around. There was a group of women seated on a large towel down on the beach. Adam and Marcos both eyed them from Adam’s bungalow and Adam grinned. “I don’t know how I can make up my mind.” He shook his head and Marcos laughed.
“Well, we better get down there so that we can make some big decisions.” Marcos grinned and got up to get changed. He went inside to out on his swim shorts. The interior was decorated in tasteful art and had a full bar situated on the deck that overlooked the water. He poured himself a drink before getting changed and then headed back outside. Adam peeled himself off the hammock and grabbed his towel, and then the two wandered off toward the beach.
As they approached the water and the women on the towel, Adam noticed a tall man with broad shoulders step out of the water. He approached the women at the same time that Adam and Marcos got closer. Then he reached down and kissed one them, a blonde wearing a red bikini, on the face. Adam and Marcos continued walking, and as they passed the women, Adam locked eyes with one in a blue, high cut bathing suit.
She had long brown hair and large brown eyes. Her breasts were large, and her legs were thick and curvy. Adam had always been attracted to petite women, so it surprised him to feel so entranced by a voluptuous beauty such as the one on the towel. Adam guessed that she was maybe twenty-five. Her body was big and strikingly beautiful.
As Adam and Marcos made their way into the water, Adam could feel someone’s eyes on him. He turned around and saw the woman in the blue bathing suit standing behind him. She smiled and tilted her head. “Are you staying at that bungalow behind the dunes?” Adam was astounded by her beautiful face. She reminded him of a model from a makeup advertisement.
“Actually, I am. That’s my house.” Adam smiled and waded deeper into the water. He felt proud to say that it was his house. He had worked hard for the first five years of his entrepreneurship path, and the recent acquisition of the architecture firm was just another notch in his ladder to success. He was happy being single, but he often wondered if he’d ever meet anyone that would really pique his interest.
“My name is Camille.” The woman reached out her hand and Adam felt a flutter in his heart. “My girlfriends are here on a visit. I work for a music company in town.” She smiled and Adam had a hard time not staring at her breasts. He imagined what they would feel like in his hands.
“My name is Adam. My buddy, Marcos, is here, too.” Adam turned to Marcos, who had his hands on his hips and a grin on his face. He couldn’t think of a better way to spend his afternoon than to be inside the cooling waters of Lake Siecha. He was a little drunk from the drinks he had before leaving the bungalow, and he closed his eyes as the sun danced on his face.
“My girlfriends and I are having a little dinner party tomorrow night. Would you and your friend like to join us?” Camille’s face was golden brown from the sun. She had a small diamond in her nose piercing, and Adam wanted to jump up and tell her yes, but played down her request and tried to be cool. “I think we might be free at six tomorrow. Marcos, what do you think?” He looked at his friend and waited for his reply.
“Six tomorrow sounds perfect to me.” He smiled and looked back toward the towel where all of Camille’s friends were sitting. “Are all of your friends single?” He raised his brows and cocked his head to the side, looking charming and handsome. Camille giggled.
“Well, most of them are. Francine, the one in red – she’s married to Edward, who just sat down. But everyone else is single.” She smiled and then returned her gaze to Adam. “I hope you can make it. The address is 45 Fern View Drive. Look for the Doberman at the gates.” She smiled one more time, and then dove into the water. Adam stood motionless as the water lapped up around his waist. He watched her bob up a few minutes later, her hair slicked back and wet against her head. Then, she dove under again and swam farther out into the lake.
“I’d say we have a pretty big event to look forward to.” Marcos jabbed Adam in the ribs and then laughed. “That woman is gorgeous. And she was checking you out, hard.” Marcos splashed water at Adam and dove under. The sun shone down over the land and both Adam and Marcos spent the next hour enjoying its warmth. Camille eventually swam back to the edge of the lake and got out of the water, as both Adam and Marcos watched her with admiration.
As the day lingered on and the women slowly made their way off the beach, both Adam and Marcos reflected on how much they wished they could stay in Colombia. “You know, at some point, I probably will end up moving here full-time. But for now, I need to focus on making sure that everything is good with Vista before I pack it all up and call it a day.” Adam reflected briefly on his life. He had been successful, even as a teenager, and had always been good with money.
“Lucky you. I’ll be there one day.” Marcos nodded his head and gathered up his towel. He and Adam watched as Camille and her friends made their way off the beach. Camille turned around once she had reached the road and waved back at Adam. He put his hand over his heart and joked with Marcos. “She’s killing me, dude.”
Just as they were about to make their way off the sand and onto the road, Adam saw a woman on the beach. She was r
unning toward Adam and she looked frantic. “Help! Sir, please help! I’ve locked my keys in my car and my dog, Piper is inside, along with all of my belongings.” She looked about thirty, with short dark hair and an Italian accent. Adam and Marcos looked at each other and then at the woman. Then, Adam spoke up.
“Where’s your car, miss?”
“Right down there. On Bastille Road.” The woman pointed down a side road leading away from the beach. She was visibly upset and her hair hung loosely to her shoulders. Adam touched her arm and looked her in the eye.
“Please try to calm down. We’ll have a look.” He motioned for Marcos to follow him and the three hurried off down Bastille Road, which was a few minutes minutes off the beach. When they reached the road, the woman ran quickly toward her car, a small red Karman Ghia, and waved for the men to follow. Adam looked at Marcos, who shrugged, and they continued toward the car.
“Here.” The woman ran to the passenger side door, and a small dog looked out the window. Adam had a look inside and could see that her car had several zipped backpacks inside, and what looked to be a grocery bag, as well. He leaned on the window and had a look at the door handle. “Piper! Oh, poor Piper. I’m so sorry!” The woman pressed her hand against the glass window, and the dog pressed its nose to the same spot.
“I just might be able to fix this.” Adam squinted and tried to see if the plate of glass would budge if he leaned even harder. When he did, it bent in a little, but he didn’t want to break the glass, so he backed off. “I’m going to need a hanger. Lucky for you, this car doesn’t have automatic windows, so it might work.” He nodded his head and decided that the challenge was a bit exciting. The woman clasped her hands and then looked at Marcos, who was watching with curiosity as his friend tried to solve the dilemma.
“There’s a clothing store down on Castor Avenue that might have one.” She looked around, trying to see if there might be another place that was closer. Just then, a man came outside on one of the front porches.
“Maybe that guy has one.” Adam looked in the man’s direction, then back at the car. The dog wagged its tail and barked. He was a Jack Russell Terrier, and he seemed to be just as concerned about his entrapment as his owner. The woman wasted no time and bounded away from the car and toward the man’s front steps.
“Sir. I’ve locked my keys in my car and we need a hanger to pry open the window. Please help. My dog is trapped inside.” The woman wore a short linen skirt, and Marcos noticed that she had nice, toned legs and perfectly painted toes. She reached the bottom of the steps and stopped. The man silently held up one finger and went inside his house. A minute later, he reappeared with a wire hanger and handed it to the woman. “Merci.” The woman bowed her head in thanks and headed back toward the car.
Adam took the hanger from her and started his magic on the window. He inched the bent wire over the edge of the glass pane and then slid it down toward the black oblong knob that would eventually unlock her door. When he got the wire close to it, he spoke, hoping conversation would calm her panicky nerves. “What’s your name, by the way?” He was sweating now since the sun was at its peak for the day. He glanced at Piper and for a second felt a twinge of worry about the dog. He didn’t want to have to bash in her windshield, but he also didn’t want the dog to become dehydrated in the Colombian sun.
“I’m Rose.” The woman smiled and looked hopefully at Piper. He was now on his hind legs and scratching at the window. Rose wanted to go home, back to her art studio and her quiet afternoon that had suddenly transformed into an anxious scenario of sorts. She stood back just as Adam hitched the wire onto the button and delicately pulled up. Rose watched with anticipation as the knob released and the door popped open.
Marcos stood back and smiled as Piper came bounding out of the car. Rose gathered him up in her arms and smiled with relief. Marcos continued to check her out, wondering if she was actually from Colombia, or if she were a tourist like he was. Rose reached into her car and pulled out a plastic jug of water. She then poured some into a large abalone seashell that she had in the backseat, and watched as Piper speedily lapped it up.
“How can I thank you?” Rose looked at Adam and ran her hands through her disheveled brown hair. “You saved my pup’s life.” She looked at Piper and back at Adam. “Now that I’m not panicking, I can talk. I already told you I’m Rose. I live over on Zapata Lane. I’m an artist, and I moved to Colombia from Italy about three years ago.” She smiled and nodded her head, thankful and slightly relaxed now that her car was unlocked.
Marcos wanted to ask for her number, but he felt like she had her eyes on Adam. Sometimes, even though he didn’t talk about it, he resented Adam for being just a little more successful than him, and a little bit more slick with the ladies. He folded his arms and stood back, assuming that this would be yet another conversation where Adam ended up with the woman. He kicked a pebble out from under his feet. He knew jealousy wasn’t an attractive quality, so he caught himself and tried to quell his feelings before getting into a bitter mood.
“It’s nice to meet you, Rose. My friend Marcos and I are visiting from California. We both have our own businesses and we’re both here on a little mini vacation.” He nodded his head and looked at Rose. She was busy eyeing Marcos.
“So, Marcos. Do you like Italian? I wanted to ask you and your friend to join me for dinner tonight in thanks for your help here. I am truly grateful.” She smiled and Marcos felt a wave of energy course through his body. She was petite and attractive, with big brown eyes and a thin, narrow nose.
“Italian is my favorite.” Marcos smiled, feeling better now that he was being included in the conversation. He hoped that Adam had no intentions of trying to interfere with his new interest in Rose. “Did you have a place in mind?”
“I was thinking I’d cook for you, actually,” Rose replied, smiling.
“I’d love to try some of your cooking.” He was genuine in his statement and Rose could detect his sincerity.
“Great. How does seven work for you? It’s already five now, and I’m sure you’d both like to wash up before coming over.” Rose smiled and headed toward her car. The keys were still in the ignition. She got inside and dug around for a pen. Then, she scrawled her address on a piece of paper and handed it to Marcos. “My friend Camille will be coming over, too.”
Adam’s ears perked up. “Camille? She doesn’t happen to be a beautiful woman with dark hair and…” Adam wanted to comment on her giant breasts and thick thighs, but he caught himself before saying anything else. Rose finished his sentence for him.
“And big breasts? Yes. That’s Camille.” She laughed to herself and fished around in her car. She pulled out a photograph and handed it to Adam. He looked at it and smiled.
“Yep. That’s her. She invited us to a party at her house tomorrow night.” Adam smiled and handed the picture back to Rose.
“Oh, how lovely. Camille is a good friend of mine. When I first moved to Colombia a few years ago, I met her at a festival downtown. She’s the head of one of the largest music companies in Colombia. She does all the management and sales.” Rose rocked on her heels and looked much more composed and content than she had fifteen minutes earlier.
The sun started to fade in the horizon and Rose got behind the wheel of her car. She closed the door and started the ignition. “See you both soon.” She waved and then pulled out of her parking space and headed down the dusty road. Adam and Marcos stood quietly for a second and then started their walk back to the bungalow. When they reached the front of the house, Adam stopped and looked at Marcos.
“I have a good feeling about this.” He smiled and then went inside. Adam pulled out a few beers from the fridge and handed one to Marcos. Then he opened his and sat down on the wooden porch swing. He gazed out at the mountains and rolling hills in the distance and sighed. “I never thought I’d be sitting in the middle of Colombia with a beer and a fat bank account. This is the life.” He took a swig and got up. “I’m going to sh
ower. Be out in a minute.”
He went inside and Marcos continued to sit, staring off at the mesmerizing scenery. He was content now that he had gotten Rose’s attention, and he even felt a little immature for thinking negatively about Adam. While he loved and appreciated his life in California, it wasn’t without its own stresses. He liked to think that Colombia could be his new haven, a place where he could just relax and think about positive aspects of his existence. Pushing himself out of his reverie, he got up and showered in one of the other bathrooms that Adam had designed, and then the two ventured out.
Adam got behind the wheel of his Mercedes and they pulled out of the long, winding driveway. It was dark now, and the various insects and animals were out, making noises in the trees and the bushes. Adam rolled down the window and turned on the radio. Marcos chimed in when he heard a familiar reggae tune. After a quick stop for a bottle of wine, they were parked on Zapata Lane, looking inside Rose’s cottage that overlooked the cascading Cicada Falls.
“Hello!” Rose had come outside to greet them as soon as he heard Adam’s engine. She stood on the front porch and waved, then moved over as another woman came out and joined her. It was Camille. Adam could see that she was wearing a long, fitted maxi dress and he let out a quiet whistle under his breath. Marcos chuckled. They got out and made their way to the porch.
“Good evening, ladies.” Adam spoke up first, handing Rose rhe bottle of wine that he’d picked up on the way. Then he looked at Camille, who had taken a seat on one of Rose’s bamboo porch chairs. Adam was mesmerized by her beauty and he stood still, wanting to say more but feeling unable to do so.
“It’s nice to see you again, Adam.” Camille smiled and played with one of her long brown tresses. Adam moved a little closer and put his hands in his pockets. He was captivated with her beauty, but he felt a little bit intimidated by her composure. She held a drink in one hand and sipped from it casually.